In recognition of David’s contribution to London’s communities, we announced at our AGM on 27 November a new programme which will see London Funders employ people with lived experience of seeking refuge on paid projects that enable them to consider a career in the funding sector.
The Farnsworth Fellowship will provide paid placements, supported by a training and development programme, where refugees can see the range of roles and opportunities within the funding sector. London Funders will work with refugee community organisations to develop the fellowship with a view to recruiting our first Fellow next year.
The Farnsworth Fellowship will provide paid placements, supported by a training and development programme, where refugees can see the range of roles and opportunities within the funding sector
Before joining the funding sector, David held a number of roles with organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers. His commitment to people fleeing persecution, violence and conflict continued to be clear to us all in his consistent championing of equity and justice at London Funders. This fellowship is a fitting way to not only recognise this contribution, but will also help bring more diversity of experience and ideas into the funding community.
If you’re interested in supporting the Farnsworth Fellowship through hosting one of our fellows on a placement with your organisation, or are interested in sharing learning with us about how to make this programme a success, please get in touch with our Programme Development Manager Daniel.