
02/04/20: Over 250 funders from all sectors have come together to sign a joint statement pledging to offer support to civil society groups affected by the covid-19 pandemic.
The funders signing the commitment to the sector, coordinated by London Funders, have recognised that Covid-19 is an exceptional event that will have an impact on civil society groups, and the communities they serve, and want to offer reassurance that they stand with the sector during this time.
To support organisations affected by the outbreak, grant funders have committed to four main ways of working. These are:
1 Adapting activities – acknowledging that agreed outcomes may not be achieved in the timeframes originally set.
2 Discussing dates – not adding pressure on organisations to meet tight reporting deadlines.
3 Financial flexibility – allowing organisations to use money differently e.g. buying equipment and covering staff sickness.
4 Listening – encouraging frank conversations between funders and grantees, with funders being supportive of their needs.
London Funders is a regional membership body, but the statement is not only for members or funders in London. From Ballycastle to Berkshire, and Stirling to Swansea, funders have committed to being flexible, friendly and maintaining financial commitments.
The statement has been used by funders in Europe too. DAFNE (Donors and Foundations in Europe) and the European Foundation Centre have used the statement as the basis of their ‘We stand together in the spirit of European solidarity’ pledge. Signed by Trust for London, Barrow Cadbury Trust and funders across the continent, its purpose is also to offer reassurance to the sector.
Funders can continue to sign up to the statement. Read more at:
David Farnsworth (Director & Chief Grants Officer, City Bridge Trust, and Chair of London Funders) said:
“It’s hugely encouraging to see that we now have more than 250 funders pledging their support, importantly now from outside London as well. The strength, collaborative spirit and leadership from London Funders has given everyone the confidence that in times of great need we can come together quickly to ensure the right response at the right moment.”