What are some of the key areas you fund?
All of YBF’s work is typically focused on supporting young people in 3 main focus areas: Education, Environment and Employment. Our approach to our “3 E’s” is also reflected in the funding we provide as these are criteria that grantees typically have to meet with their funding requests. This means that what we fund is quite wide ranging and goes from supplementary schools, mentoring, and physical activity, to play provision, staff salaries and training courses for young people.
What’s something exciting that you’re currently working on?
Something exciting that we are working on at the minute is the utilisation of our newly acquired Narrowboat. This is a part of our YBF Blue and Green Strategy where we are trying to help to young people in Brent engage more with the waterways and green spaces within the borough. This Narrowboat has currently been projected to be used as a floating class room while also being part of a scheme, in tandem with our member organisations, to take young people on retreats whilst learning about the natural environment.
What’s one piece of learning that you’d like to share with other London Funders’ members?
One piece of learning that we are keen to share is the importance of utilising/actively seeking to consult youth voice. At YBF, we try to involve young people in our decision-making process as much as possible in order to make sure that all of our strategies are as current as possible. Consulting young people in your decision processes provides this while also helps to provide opportunities to equip young people with vital skills for future professional development. We typically do this through our Young Peer Researchers and Youth Panel.
What do you value most about being a part of London Funders?
The part of London Funders' membership that we value the most at YBF is the opportunities to network and collaborate with other funders at the Network Meetings. This has allowed us to make positive connections that have proven fruitful for our organisation.
Looking ahead, share one thing that is on your radar. What should we prioritise as a network of funders?
One thing that should be prioritised by funders is the London Youth Games. This is an annual multi-sport, inter-borough competition that occurs in London. This competition is contested by all 32 boroughs and covers approximately 30 sports each year. It is amazing opportunity for Young people aged 7 – 18 who live or go to school in a particular borough, to engage in competitive sport. This competition is also famed for its inclusivity due to it having parasports in order to allow those with disabilities to also compete. With several local authorities stripping back necessary funding needed to keep this going, the voluntary sector has often stepped in to bridge the gap. This is something funders should keep an eye on as its a great initiative to get involved in that actively benefits the lives of young people.
What’s an issue or area you’d like to discuss with other members?
An area we’d benefit from discussions is around research. YBF currently conducts research but would like to have further discourse around alternative methods.
Connect with us about:
- Young People
- Voluntary Sector
- Infrastructural Support
- Grantee Feedback
- Grant Panels
- Corporate Funding
- Research
- Project Management
The Member Spotlight is taken from our monthly member-exclusive newsletter, the Member Memo. The newsletter contains targeted information about upcoming events and updates from across the membership, with opportunities to connect and collaborate with other members. If you are a London Funders' member and would like to sign up, please email ora.ataguba@londonfunders.org.uk.