About the role
SYP Trust is looking to commission a research review to analyse existing youth participatory studies, to help us:
- Determine if our priorities (below) are shared with children and young people (aged 10-24) in London, particularly in the post-pandemic environment, and how we might want to adjust our priorities to narrow our current focus.
- Identify the desired impacts children and young people are looking for under these priorities.
- Develop recommendations about potential gaps in funding/services as well as further areas of research
We would like the review to identify and focus on areas of London with;
- high instances of poverty
- high instances of marginalised groups
- relatively low service and charity provision for children, young people and families,, or evidence of low impact of services and provision
We recognise that children and young people are not a homogenous group and that they have intersecting identities and experiences. This means that they experience life in different ways, face unique challenges or opportunities based on their age, gender, race, ability, sexual orientation and socio-economic status. We would like the review to adopt an intersectional lens so that we can better understand the intersectionality, in relation to our priorities, for each of the below identities and experiences:
- Age group (10-14, 15-19, 20-24)
- Gender
- Race
- Disability
- Socio-economic status
- Care experience
Budget: £3,000 to £5,000 (timescale tbc but a preference for completion by early November 2022)
For more information please click here
How to apply
We welcome expressions of interest and discussions on the final research questions and budget required. We particularly welcome researchers or research teams with experience working with children and young people in London and with a strong background in applying an intersectional lens to research projects. A modest list of published research we would like to be included will be provided, but we welcome recommendations of additional research you may be aware of. We also welcome research plans which include one or more ‘touch in’ opportunities for us to feedback on findings.
Please send your proposed methodology, timeline and budget along with a short cover letter outlining your relevant experience to: jtompsett@shaftesbury.org.uk
by 5pm on the 28th October 2022. Please call for an informal discussion if required: 07801501324 before the 14th of October.