For our September insight meeting, we’ll hear from expert speakers who have been leading systemic change programmes and ask them what they have learnt, what advice they would have for other funders and if they could go back in time, what they would have done differently.
We’re delighted to be joined by:
Oliver Hillbury, Director of Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM)
Ollie leads MEAM’s work, which supports local areas across the country to transform services and systems and to directly improve the lives of people facing multiple disadvantage.
Jo Blackwood, Strategic Delivery Manager, London Borough of Hackney
Since 2017, Jo has worked with Hackney Council and local advice providers to co-produce a framework for advice services, moving from a New Public Management approach to one grounded in systems thinking. She has been looking at the Council's investment in the voluntary sector from a systems perspective to break down the silos that make delivering frontline services like advice so challenging. Jo has also done a lot of work applying an anti-racist lens to systems change initiatives.
Kathleen Kelly, Director of Collaboration, LocalMotion
Kathleen Kelly leads LocalMotion, which is aimed at supporting communities in a more joined-up way and building collaborations for systemic change. Using a bottom-up approach, six funders and six places are developing new models of working together more effectively.
Paul Everitt, Enfield Coordinator, LocalMotion
Enfield is one of the places involved in the LocalMotion movement, a vibrant London borough, rich in diversity but also a place where life expectancy is lower by more than six years in the east compared with the west part of the borough. Paul is coordinating the work happening across LocalMotion Enfield to eradicate this East-West gap, working with partners and communities to challenge local systems.
Please note, this event is open exclusively to London Funders' members. If you would like to become a member, please email our Membership Manager Nasyah at