Chaired by Oliver Carrington, Evaluation Consultant at London Funders' member, Imperial Health Charity, the next London Funders Research & Evaluation Network will meet online on Thursday 13th June. We'll be exploring how funders evaluate their capacity building activities and funder plus models.
Many funders are starting to think about providing more than financial grants to the organisations that they support. This ‘funder plus’ approach often focuses on capacity building by offering support through training or consultancy to develop the organisation. Evaluation can help to understand if the benefits outweigh the costs to the funder and the time commitment required by grant holders. Our next meeting will explore how funders can assess the difference made by capacity building.
Chief Executive Mary Rose Gunn will share how The Fore uses data science to evaluate the impact of its funder-plus approach by comparing the income growth of the charities it supports with a control group. This control group contains similar charities which did not receive The Fore’s programme of funding and strategic support.
Aaliya Ali, Research and Evaluation Officer at fellow London Funders member - Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - will walk us through the Foundation’s monitoring and evaluation tools which track the development of its grant holders. She will also share findings from their recent evaluation into its skill-based volunteering partnership which is used to support its grant holders.
After the presentations and the chance to have your questions answered by the speakers, there will be optional time for member discussion. This can include broader funder evaluation topics, peer troubleshooting, and sharing useful resources. Please register here to stay up to date with developments.
If you would like to feed into this or future meetings, or have any access needs or questions, please reach out to our Membership Manager, Nasyah.
The Network is open to any London Funders' member interested in research, monitoring and evaluation.
Please note, this event is open exclusively to London Funders' members. If you have any questions about our networks or would like to become a member, please email our Membership Manager Nasyah on